Services for bulk material handling, warehousing and transports
Our container depot services include:
A container depot is a storage area for empty shipping containers. Within the container terminal business, container depots play an essential part of the container supply chain.
Hacklin Hamiko’s container depot offers interim storage facilities for empty containers. Our depot offers sufficient possibilities for long- and short-term storage. By using reach stackers and heavy duty forklifts, empty containers are moved or stacked quickly and efficiently.
Employees of the depot check empty containers up to arrival to the container yard and estimate condition of arriving units. Containers in good condition are stored directly in the container depot yard.
Our team carry out Container Safety Convention (CSC) inspections. The 1972 Convention for Safe Containers (CSC 1972) provides uniform international safety regulations, equally applicable to all modes of surface transport. Hacklin Hamiko arranges approval of containers evidenced by the Safety Approval Plate. Once approved and plated, containers are expected to move in international transport with the minimum of safety control formalities. The subsequent maintenance of a container approved for safety is the responsibility of the owner, who is required to have the container periodically examined.
Apart from storage, our container depot also provides a wide scope of individual services.
Containers in poor condition are stored at a particular place for repairing arrangements. For containers in poor condition we list down and photograph all the items that are needed to be repaired. Before the repair, repairing list or estimate of repair (EOR) is emailed to container owner for approval before taking any further actions.
We arrange container repairs in co-operation with our long-term partner companies.