Authority exercises at Mussalo and Hamina harbours on 8.-9.9.2021
In the HaminaKotka port area will be arranged authority exercises on 8.-9.9.2021, which will affect the port operations.
On Wednesday 8.9.2021 will be organized major accident exercise from 9.00 onwards. The exercise will include an exercise within Seveso facilities and an exercise for hazardous substances on the railway yard. Gates at Mussalo port will be closed to traffic in the morning between 9.00–10.00. During this time only authorities are allowed to drive through the gates. At 10.00 the actual major accident exercise will start. Several emergency vehicles will use the port area during the exercises.
On Thursday 9.9.2021 in Hamina will be organized a joint exercise by different authorities associated with Etelä-Kymi 21 local defence exercise. In the morning between 9.00–10.30 there will be an exercise related to enhancing access control at the main gate and at the Hailikari gate. In the afternoon between 12.00–15.00 authorities will practise area control.
The aim is to minimize disturbances to outsiders, but especially the intensification of access control between 9.00 to 10.30 should be noticed, as those moving in the area must have appropriate identity cards with them.
Finnish Defence Forces will we present at the port area during the exercise, but port operations will continue as normal.
In case the exercise affects the territory of a company operating at the port, it will be agreed in advance.